Sunday, November 18, 2012

Initial Thoughts on Bandura

Much like we learn over time and build upon what we already believe or hold to be true, Albert Bandura has done the same.  When Bandura first started out in the field of psychology, he moved away from the behaviorist theories into the social learning theory.  His research at the University of Iowa expanded the dominant behaviorist theories by focusing on the ideas of modeling, observational learning, and self-regulation, which led to the social learning theory.  With further research and application, Bandura expanded his social learning theory to cognitive theory in order to support the social cognitive theory.

Bandura is one of the most cited psychologists to date.  His work has had a profound impact on the field of psychology and even mass communications, communications, and education.  We use his theory in education very often, without even fully knowing it.

I appreciate the fact that Bandura's work continues to develop, even now.  Psychologists always seem to develop a theory and it remains stagnant with absolutely no further research that might influence change (this could be because they die before that is possible).  In Bandura's case, he is still alive and still working at Stanford where his theory continues to expand and develop through continued application and research.

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