Saturday, December 1, 2012

Creating a Pinterest CoP

Wenger, McDermott, and Snyder describe a community of practice as "groups of people who share concern, set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise int his area by interacting on an ongoing basis" (p.4). 

What better way to share my passion for all things Pinterest than creating a community of practice?

In all my free time these days, that is...

Pinterest still remains a hot topic of conversation at school and among friends because of the slew of ideas that can come from it. I had previously tried to capitalize on it by doing holding a craft club with staff members, but it quickly fizzled out.  Maybe it's my desire to do something non-academic for a nice break, or maybe it's because I really wanted to start my own community of practice...

We have had several get-togethers now and I am pleasantly surprised with the group thus far.  Every member comes with varying levels of experience.  I generally present the project to the community and they decide if it's something that they want to do.  When we start, those who have more experience, or have even done the project before, help ensure that everyone understands the steps to complete it.

I am glad that my principal challenged me to try it again this year!

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