Saturday, December 1, 2012

PearlTree SchmearlTree

The assignment: Write about 1/2 page on your theorist, should be bullet points rather than narrative, summarizing your theorist's big ideas.  Put these summaries online in a way that shows the connections between theories/theorists.  

I chose to type mine up in Google Docs because I could get all of the information in that I needed to and it seemed cohesive. I added the image of Bandura and an infographic that explains his social learning theory in three simple parts.  It was quite simple to do and provided a quick way in which to view my theorist's information. 

Then came the part that became disastrous....putting it together with everyone else's.  First impressions of Pearltrees made it seem possible to connect things fairly simply.  Wrong!  

I wasn't impressed by Popplet when using it the first time, but I actually wanted to go back to it after we started to have so many issues with Pearltrees.  Surprisingly, for as visual as I am, both Popplet and Pearltrees fail.  I think much of it has to do with the limitations of each...and the chaos that they create.  At one point, I just wanted everyone to write their information on Post-it notes and then put them on a posterboard.  My board would have looked similar to an FBI Profiler's, but the string connecting everyone's theories and theorists would have made so much more sense.

I wish the content would have been displayed better so I could read everyone's and not bounce around so much.  Overall, I was able to determine the connections and understand how many theories have evolved out of other work.

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